
Brewer Park Pond Restoration

The project entailed creating distinct zones, constructing habitat features and connecting the pond to the Rideau River

Highlights Include:

  • 200 Habitat features including inverted root wads, jackstraw log jams, basking logs & sweeper trees
  • 2130 x 1400 Arched Steel CSP Culvert
  • Salvaging & re-use of 12,000m² of hydric soils

Monahan Landing

The project entails topsoil stripping & processing, earthworks balancing, retaining walls, rear yard drainage & landscaping for the 1,200+ lot subdivision.

Highlights Include:

  • Active participant with all owners to streamline earthworks program
  • Pro-active approach to addressing potential base conditions
  • Full service on-lot construction.

Fairwinds Community

The project entails earthworks in rocky ground, retaining walls, services & landscaping for the 900+ lot subdivision.

Highlights Include:

  • Streamlining earthworks program minimizing double handling of earth
  • Accelerated construction schedule
  • Full service on-lot construction

Salinity Control and
Reclamation Project (SCARP)

The SCARP program was established to reclaim areas no longer agriculturally productive. Agrodrain was chosen to lead this program with our Canadian expertise & equipment.

The sub surface drainage system rehabilated 25,000 acres of water logged and saline agricultural land. Yield of most crops has doubled with favourable soil-moisture conditions allowing farmers to cultivate vegetables.

Subsurface Demonstration Project

Authorities in Rajistan India employed Agrodrain to stage a training and demonstration project in which local engineers and government officials could observe and study the benefits of subsurface drainage, drainage research and drainage installation technology.

Agrodrian devloped a site specific system approach to drainage and demonstrated the use of drainage equipment training locals on its operation and maintenance.

Agricultural Land Improvement

Sub-surface drainage is proven to improve farm production. Since 1975 Agrodrain has laid enough drainage pipe to cirlce the earth 3 times.

All of our equipment runs on GPS, our hybrid-electric D7 dozer is the first of it’s kind in Eastern Canada.

The Marshes Golf Course

The project entailed converting unused land into an 80 ha world-class golf course, in accordance with strict specifications and schedules. ASL completed all golf course features, doing so primarily with its in-house work force.

Highlights include:

  • Excavation of 800,000m³ of earth
  • Blasting & excavating of 65,000m³ of rock
  • Excavating & placing 65,000m³ of “unsuitable” peat soils
  • Construction of 3 Storm Water Management Facilities including associated piping & structures

Sunset Lakes

The project entailed working in very high water table conditions with in-flowing sands and silts to construct various storm water management features. ASL completed all work with its in-house work force.

Highlights Include:

  • Excavation of 600,000m³ of earth
  • Heavy requirement for dewatering and earth hauling
  • Strong emphasis on material management to mitigate impact of poor ground
  • Utilization of GPS guidance system to accurately excavate in submerged conditions.

Half-Moon Bay Preliminary Grading
& Todd SWMP

The project entailed preliminary works for the development of a housing development. The work involved large earth grading quantities and the construction of Todd Storm Water Management Pond. ASL completed all work with its in-house work force.

Highlights Include:

  • Utilization of low ground pressure scraper trains (1st of its kind in Eastern Ontario)
  • GPS technology for surveying and equipment guidance.
  • Excavation of 900,000m³ of earth
  • Construction of Storm Water Management Facility including planting shelves to complex elevations

Poole Creek Remediation

The project entailed remediation work along a section of Poole Creek.

Highlights Include:

  • Stream bank slope stabilization
  • Construction of in-stream washed river stone riffles, root wads and boulder clusters.
  • Salvaging & re-use of existing native vegetation

South Barrhaven Fish
Compensation Pond

The project entailed construction of a bypass pond along the Jock River, coupled with various habitat features.

Highlights Include:

  • Minimal disruption to existing vegetation
  • Construction of Polypropylene channel liner
  • Fish habitat features including brush pile & sunning log features, submerged logs, root wads & native vegetation

Todd SWMP – Outflow Channel

The project entailed construction of a 330m outflow channel designed to provide a fish habitat.

Highlights Include:

  • Excavation of 35,000m³ of earth
  • Construction of 330m meandering low flow channel within a much wider high flow channel
  • Fish habitat features including riffles of washed river stone, boulder clusters and root wads

Half-Moon Bay

The project entails land clearing, earthworks, services & rear yard drainage for the 1,000+ lot subdivision

Highlights Include:

  • Integrated construction coordination and planning
  • Excavation & backfill of all lots
  • STM, WAT, SAN & Hydro Services for all lots

The Club at Bondhead

The project entailed converting 65 ha of farm field and wood lots to a finished grassed golf course with lake water features. ASL completed all golf course features, doing so primarily with its in-house work force, with less than 10% from third-party contributors.

Highlights Include:

  • 16,000m of various sized drainage pipe
  • 9,000m of paved cart path
  • 15 ha of seeding & mulching
  • 22 ha of hydro mulch with seed
  • 175,000m² of sod